workshops & colabs.

shona sim

pull back, yogic tools for back pain

May 2019

A half day workshop designed to share our learning and experience with back pain and alternative ways to re-engage with yoga.

Venue: TBC

briony goodsell

reclining goddess

August/September 2019

2 day prenatal retreat for reflection, nurturing and restoring energy

Austinmer Beach House

gail isedale

yoga in service

December 2019/January 2020

Feeling like you want to be there for others?

Considering volunteering, domestically or globally? This 10 day trip to Cambodia is designed to explore the challenges of being in service and build inspiration. Trip will include participating in local volunteer group, POD, activities. Time spent with other NGOs and charities in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap to learn how they got started and the work they do. Morning and evening yoga, group discussion, journaling and meditation.